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                • Open: Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00. Sat-Sun Closed
                • 13817217869

                SI/PI/EMC analysis

                Signal Integrity

                  • Experience of handling prelayout & postlayout designs/topologies helps customer to first time right designs.

                  • Successfully executed complex Multidrop/Multipoint topologies.

                  • Asserting PCB layer stackup/Layer ordering/PCB materials based on SI results.

                  • Validating the logic level, Drive strengths, Termination techniques, Thresholds, Over/Under shoot, Propagation Delay, Noise margin etc., Slew Rate, Timing Budget(setup/Hold time), EYE Diagram.、

                  • BER, ISI, Jitter, Loss(IL,RL) analysis.

                  • Cross talk analysis and mitigation methodologies.

                  • SerDes/DDRx/XAUI/PCIe interfaces.

                  • Handled upto 12.5Gb speed.

                SI-Signal Integrity

                Signal  Integrity

                Prelayout & postlayout designs/topologies

                BER, ISI, Jitter, Loss(IL,RL) analysis.

                Cross talk analysis

                Timing Budget(setup/Hold time), EYE Diagram

                Complex Multidrop/Multipoint topologies

                PI-Power Integrity

                Power Integrity

                IR/DC Drop analysis

                Voltage/Current Density

                3D plots Decoupling Analysis with Frequency

                V/S Impedance plotPlane

                Noise Analysis with 3D plot of plane noise


                EMC Analysis

                Frequency V/S dB plot for Different standards

                RE/CE analysis

                RI/CI analysis

                3D Magnetic/Electric & Current density Plots

                Noise Analysis with 3D plot of plane noise

                DFM-Design for Manufacture

                Design for manufacture

                DFM Analysis

                DFA Analysis

                DFT Analysis

                信号Signal Integrity

                  • Experience of handling prelayout & postlayout designs/topologies helps customer to first time right designs.

                  • Successfully executed complex Multidrop/Multipoint topologies.

                  • Asserting PCB layer stackup/Layer ordering/PCB materials based on SI results.

                  • Validating the logic level, Drive strengths, Termination techniques, Thresholds, Over/Under shoot, Propagation Delay, Noise margin etc., Slew Rate, Timing Budget(setup/Hold time), EYE Diagram.

                  • BER, ISI, Jitter, Loss(IL,RL) analysis.

                  • Cross talk analysis and mitigation methodologies.

                  • SerDes/DDRx/XAUI/PCIe interfaces.

                  • Handled up to 12.5Gb speed.

                Analysis Item
                Min M0.1mm
                Hole 3mil

                Power Integrity analysis

                Design For Fabrication Anaysis

                The DFF is a process of optimizing the design data so that it can be the manufactured at least cost without sacrificing the design intent.

                DFA Analysis helps you to resolve manufacturability issues, increases reliability,

                reduces rework cost and most importantly helps you to meet “TIME TO MARKET”