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                • Open: Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00. Sat-Sun Closed
                • 13817217869

                Components Sourcing

                Lang Ji is always regular components customer resources, only to do the original goods, to ensure the quality of customer material reliable, long Ji can provide customers with the common electronic materials and the main parts of the global procurement,

                Reduce the time and cost of material purchase during the R & D phase. Regular supplier admittance certification, annual audit, strict IQC incoming inspection, constant temperature and humidity, and anti static management measures.

                The "first in first out" material control mechanism ensures that the first class full BOM component supply service is provided to customers.

                  • Lang Ji maintains a full range of YAGEO, MURATA and AVX resistance capacitance material devices. Langji has various types of resistance capacity to meet customer needs.

                  • Lang Ji has a full range of Y

                  • Commonly used inductors, magnetic beads, connectors

                  • All BOM components supply

                  • Originating from the original plant and the first class agent

                  • Purchase on demand without the need for the whole set

                  • Ensure the true and reliable source of the goods

                Permanent resistance capacitance and inductance magnetic bead connector

                Regular R & D procurement, two weeks

                Professional component Certification Engineer

                A perfect QC test system

                Strict supplier audit mechanism

                Annual supplier audit mechanism based on original and first tier agents