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                • Open: Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00. Sat-Sun Closed
                • 13817217869


                We are an independently owned Contract Electronics Manufacturer (CEM) with an especially keen focus on the customer service. We cover all aspects of Electronic Manufacture, as well as complete customer support provided in our specialist. As a result, Linkytech Electronics is the Chinese number one choice for all PCB requirements.

                Originally formed in 2006, Linkytech Electronics have been providing a high quality, cost-effective service to customers who prefer to outsource their electronic design, manufacture and test requirements.

                Linkytech is the worldwide leading provider of high speed printed circuit board design, layout, engineering and contract manufacturing services. All members of our engineering team have EE degrees, and a minimum of 10 years of experience in the design & layout of complex, multi-layer, high-speed, high-density, hand-routing, design rule driven, impedance controlled printed circuit boards.

                System Design

                Printed Circuit Board Design

                ATE Probe Card Design

                High Speed Signal Integrity

                Printed Circuit Board Layout

                Printed Circuit Board Prototype & Fabrication

                Printed Circuit Board Assembly & Manufacturing

                Functional & In-Circuit Testing

                Schematic & CAD Libraries


                Linkytech Electronics Ltd is the China leading, independent Contract Electronics Manufacturer (CEM), specializing in electronic design, development, assembly, and of course, manufacture; as well as a host of in-house capabilities, including a ‘state of the art’ PCB Manufacturing and Assembly Facility.

                From the creation of the business in 2006, Over the years Linkytech has enjoyed and embraced new technologies over the years, such as Multilayer PCB of up to 40 layers, Flexi PCB, Flexi-Rigid PCB, and even Aluminium Clad Technologies.

                Linkytech has worked with several companies and helped them bring their products to the market. Our highly skilled engineers have several years of experience in printed circuit board assembly, which makes us an ideal choice for all types of design projects. Our clients range from start-ups who need a few printed circuit board prototypes, to large established corporations who need several thousand multi-layered circuit boards, and everything in between. So whatever your requirements may be, we are just a phone call away. Our printed circuit board assembly services and capabilities include:

                SMT and PTH printed circuit board assembly

                Prototype and quick-turn printed circuit board assembly

                Consignment and turnkey services

                BOM component sourcing and cost reduction

                Lead free and fully RoHS compliant

                Hybrid assemblies

                Micro BGA and BGA placement (mirrored and double-sided)

                100% BGA x-ray inspection

                BGA re-flow and re-work

                Fine pitch and press fit connectors

                Thermal profiles

                0201’s and fine pitch component placement

                ISO 9001 certified


                Class 2 and Class 3 compliance


                Linkytech provides leading printed circuit board solutions to our clients worldwide. Our assembly technicians, floor leads, process engineers and quality control personnel are the best in their domain. Our team is highly skilled and offers state of the art printed circuit board assembly services. Contact us today to find out how we can help with your printed circuit board assembly needs.

                Linkytech Electronics provides an extensive range of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing and EMC consultancy services, from pre-compliance to full EMC testing. Using our on-site test facility we can help you ensure that your product or installation is compliant with industry specific EMC standards for legislative, national and international approvals.

                During 2018 we have invested RMB1500.00 into brand new EMC testing equipment ensuring that we have the latest technology that is currently available on the market.Many of our clients use our services:

                ● STo evaluate their design during development, thus reducing the likelihood of having to redesign their product to meet CE requirements.

                ● To provide assurance that minor modifications to previously accredited equipment has not affected compliance.

                ● As part of their ongoing quality assurance programme.

                Why not contact Linkytech Electronics to discuss your CE requirements. Whether your preference is to deliver the equipment to our facility and leave the testing to us or whether you would rather be on-hand yourself, you can be assured of a service which is both cost-effective and professional.

                Our EMC Testing service is extremely competitive on price taking into account the particular needs of small and medium sized companies.

                CE Marking by Self Certification:

                We are an independently owned Contract Electronics Manufacturer (CEM) with an especially keen focus on the customer service. We cover all aspects of Electronic Design、Manufacture、Test, Linkytech offers total solutions for all PCB electronics products requirements.