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                • Open: Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00. Sat-Sun Closed
                • 13817217869

                Lenovo Yoga910 Time to market

                 Lenovo YOGA910, the smallest mother board,Linkytech is involved in the PCB development

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                LENOVO YOGA930 PCB design

                Successfully to delivery Yoga930 PCB design,Lenovo engineer bring upthe system smoothly without any Layoutissue!

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                2017 performance score

                Celebration!Linkytechget HW 2017classAsupplier,Linkytech continues to improve their own capacity and optimize the quality control system,Linkytech get the annual performance score of 94.97,become class APCB design suppliers!  

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                Commendatory letter from our customer

                'Actively cooperate with customers, provide enough resources, and ensure high quality delivery' is the consistent requirement of Linkytech.

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                Team building

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                Team building

                SuZhou PCB design team enjoy the team building in MoGan mountain

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